Class 42: The Last Day of the Class
This is the second semester that I have been teaching in the U.S. I want to thank you all for your efforts to take part in the class discussion, share the project stories, work with your assignments, and review your peers' projects. I hope you all have learned from this class as well as I have learned a lot from you. I also want to thank you all a lot for your patience and nice when I was nervous or couldn't find the right words. I wish you much success throughout your educational career and your future career, whatever that may be. I have confidence that each of you will be successful!
Today we still have several things to accomplish:
1. Finish the class evaluation.
2. Go through the final project.
3. We need to take a class picture.
4. Please make sure to fill in the "Final Checkout" form before you leave. I need your contact information in case I couldn't access your works.
5. I will finish grading by December 18th. -Your grade will be available on the WebCT right after I post them. Please email me if you have any questions with your final grade.
Please know that I am willing to be a resource for you. I can always aid you if needed. I check my emails hundreds of times per day!
Take care, good luck on your finals, and... Merry Christmas!
Class 39: Capstone
You might also want to send me your project to my email to get my feedback before it is done.
Class 38: Capston--ASSURE model
A: Analyze Learners
S: State Objectives
S: Select the Media, Methods, and Materials
Today we will introduced the last three components -
U: Utilize Media, Methods, and Materials
R: Require Learner Participation
E: Evaluate and Revise
Lesson Plan -- on The Giver: A Novel by Lois Lowry
Then I wish you could share your lesson plan idea with your neighbours. After this, you will work on your project independently. You will follow the steps listed in the online instruction guide for completing the ASSURE lesson plan template.
Class 37: Capstone--ASSURE model
to organize teaching and learning through the use of technology
is the ASSURE model:
A: Analyze Learners
S: State Objectives
S: Select the Media, Methods, and Materials
U: Utilize Media, Methods, and Materials
R: Require Learner Participation
E: Evaluate and Revise
Lesson Plan -- on The Giver: A Novel by Lois Lowry
For your Capstone Project for the course, you will select one of
the projects you created this semester and write an original
lesson plan that uses that project to teach a Georgia Performance
Standard. You will use the ASSURE model as your lesson plan
format. The instructor in IT program, Gretchen Thomas have
created a web page that will walk you through the development
process step-by-step. You can view the actual project description
and grading rubric.
Your final product (due Wednesday, December 5th) will be the completed
instructional plan template. It will most likely by 3-4 pages long. The
largest section of your template should be the "Require Learner
Participation" section, as this is where you will describe your actual
learning activity -- what your learners will be doing.
- Samples from previous students
- A List of Instructional Strategies and Methods
- Teaching Strategies & Descriptions
Begin working on your lesson plan with using ASSURE model
Class 36: Peer Review on WebQuest
Groups are encouraged to discuss your projects with other groups when you are reviewing.
Each of the groups needs to send back your review forms both to me and the group that you have reviewed.
You will have more time to work on your project after the review.
Monday is the due date of the WebQuest project. Your group can come to work in classroom, and I will be here to work with you . But if your group can finish the work before Monday, or you feel comfirtable to work with your group members outside of the classroom, you can send me the link of your WebQuest page to my email. So for some of you who might not be coming on Monday, have a happy Thanksgiving holiday!
Class 35: Continue working on WebQuest--Resources, Evaluation, and Conclusion
For the component of resources in your WebQuest, as required in the rubric, you will need at least 5 web resources for your students to use when they are accomplishing their tasks. These web resources should be age appropriate and relevant to the tasks. You might want to use those resources that Ms. Nadine Cohen provided in last Wednesday's class.
For the evluation part, I wish to see that there is a direct link between the required task and the evaluation. Your rubric should be quantified, in details and clearly stated.
For the part of conclusion, you will summarize what students will learn when they finish this project, and you might also want to inspire their further thinking toward the subject content and the skills that they have been used, by asking some questions. A good example of conclusion can be like this.
On Friday, we will have the peer review on your half-finished project. You need to finish at least half of your project before Friday's class, including the introduction, tasks, process, and some resources. You will find another group and you two groups will review each other's work. Or, if we can do three-group review.
Class 34: Working on WebQuest--Introduction, Task and Process
Today you'll be given most of class time working in pairs on your WebQuest -- by Friday's class it is expected that you will be at least halfway finished with your entire WebQuest ( Introduction, Task, Process and Evaluation on the student's version). We will be working in groups on Friday to conduct peer reviews of your WebQuests and the rest of time will be given working on the project. Friday will be the last day for you to work on WebQuest project.
Please refer to the assignement description while working on it.
Two gateway websites National Digital Science Library
and WebQuest Taxonomy of Tasks - what types of tasks can you assign to students?
The Building Blocks of a WebQuest - what are the specific parts of a WebQuest?
The WebQuest Design Process - what is a good way to put together a WebQuest?
Sample WebQuests
Class 33: Introduction to WebQuest
It's registration time for our undergraduates so you might want to know about EDIT 5500: Technology Enhanced Learning Environments that will be offered T/Th 12:30-1:45 during Spring Semester. It is one of the core courses for the Technology Integration Certificate Program.
Today will be a quick review of Webquests. I want you to have enough information to complete the project and have enough time as well.
Generally, a good WebQuest topic should have some inherent complexity, such as controversial issues, multiple perspectives, unknowns, etc. The topic needs to have your students take information in and transform it, using their own judgement and creative problem-solving techniques -- a LoTi level 4 or higher -- the learning should be authentic. Certain topics tend to lend themselves more to the WebQuest format than others.
All WebQuests follow a set structure with an Introduction, Task, Resource, Process, Evaluation, and Conclusion.
What is a webquest?
A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented online tool for learning, says workshop expert Bernie Dodge
- This means it is a classroom-based lesson in which most or all of the information that students explore and evaluate comes from the World Wide Web.
- Beyond that, it can be as short as a single class period or as long as a month-long unit; usually involves group work, with division of labor among students who take on specific roles or perspectives; are built around resources that are preselected by the teacher.
- Students spend their time USING information, not LOOKING for it.
***I require that your project is longer than one class period and is to be completed by students working in teams!***
What are its main characteristics?
There are six critical components in a WebQuest but I also require you to include a teacher resources page.
1. Provides background information and motivational scenarios like giving students roles to play provides an overview of the learning goals to students
2. The infusion from other media (prints, posters, models) and guest lecturers (other faculty members, parents, business leaders, experts, etc.) adds real-world components to online investigations. This is very important because depending on technology alone to convey the meaning of a lesson tends to create a sense of unreality.
3. Adding "introductory" types of information and material throughout the duration of the WebQuest keeps students fully engaged.
1. A formal description of what students will have accomplished by the end of the WebQuest.
2. To create a task the teacher must find resources for a particular topic on the Web.
3. The teacher must devise an activity for the students that incorporates the information from the various sites.
4. Developing this task -- or the main research question -- is the most difficult and creative aspect of creating a WebQuest.
HINT: A task should be visually and aesthetically appealing, inherently important (global warming, acid rain, welfare policy, etc.), and fun for the students.
5. A successful project can be reused by the teacher several times (either with a different class or the next semester).
A sample work of Task description
1. This is a description of the steps learners should go through in accomplishing the task, with links embedded in each step.
2. The demonstration takes the students through the process step-by-step and reinforces written directions.
A sample work of Process
Resources: (sometimes they are also called "credits")
1. This section of the WebQuest consists of a list of the resources (bookmarked Web sites, print resources, etc.) that your students will need to complete the task.
2. WebQuests are enhanced by materials that supplement the online resources. These can include things like videos, audio cassettes, books, posters, maps, models, etc.
1. Each WebQuest needs a rubric for evaluating students' work. The standards should be fair, clear, consistent, and specific to the tasks set.
HINT: Many of the theories of assessment, standards, and constructivism apply to WebQuests: clear goals, matching assessments to specific tasks, and involving the learners in the process of evaluation are all concepts from earlier workshops that apply here.
2. During the introductory stage of the WebQuest, it can be very helpful to point out three types of student examples: exemplary, acceptable, and unacceptable. The range between exemplary and acceptable work may be great and will spur the students to strive for excellence, while the demonstration of what constitutes unacceptable work will set clear minimum standards for all to achieve. The goal is for all students to have a good experience of the project.
1. This step allows for reflection by the students and summation by the teacher.
2. Setting aside time for discussion of possible extensions and applications of the lesson honors the constructivist principle: "We learn by doing -- but we learn even better by talking about what we did."
3. During the concluding section of a WebQuest, you can encourage your students to suggest ways of doing things differently to improve the lesson.
A sample work of Conclusion page
Teacher Page:(Remember, the audience for this document is other teachers, not students)
The teacher's page section of a WebQuest provides additional information to any teacher who might want to use your WebQuest in their own classroom. This page is helpful in providing data needed for lesson plans. It should include:
1. A brief explanation of the WebQuest. Ex. What are the student's researching?
2. The selected Georgia Performance standard and grade level for the designed WebQuest.
3. A list of the prerequisites and materials needed for the WebQuest.
4. What skills does a teacher need in order to pull this lesson off? Is it easy enough for a novice teacher? Does it require some experience with directing debates or role plays, for example?
5. List here the sources of any images, music or text that you're using (with permission, of course). Provide links back to the original source. Say thanks to anyone who provided resources, help or inspiration.
6. Include this: "We all benefit by being generous with our work. Permission is hereby granted for other educators to copy this WebQuest, update or otherwise modify it, and post it elsewhere provided that the original author's name is retained along with a link back to the original URL of this WebQuest. On the line after the original author's name, you may add Modified by (your name) on (date)."
In Summary a WebQuest is:
1. A clear, concise introduction that provides necessary information and sets up the activity.
2. An interesting and concrete central task.
3. A collection of information resources needed.
4. A step-by-step description of the process to be used for the task.
5. Guidelines on how to organize the information acquired (questions that should be answered, etc.); this will be the backbone for the Web site students create.
6. A closing lesson that reviews what the students have learned and how it can be brought to bear on other subjects.
7. The teacher resources page includes the standards that are addressed, the appropriate grade level and directions on how the teacher can use the webquest for their classroom.
WebQuest Resources:
Some Thoughts About WebQuests
Building Blocks of a Webquest
The Webquest Design Process
Taxonomy of WebQuest Tasks
WebQuest Rubric
Process Checklist
Concept to Classroom
Searching tips
WebQuest Templates
Sample WebQuests:
Bernie Dodge's Top WebQuests
Middle School WebQuest Matrix
George Mason Univ. WebQuests
Maryland Tech Academy WebQuests
Other examples
Here are some questions to consider as you are working on your WebQuest (you do not need to turn in responses to these questions):
*Is your WebQuest topic authentic in order to engage your students?
*Is your WebQuest task challenging and doable?
*Do your learners need to think independently and critically during the WebQuest activity?
*Is collaboration between your students important for the successful completion of the WebQuest?
*What scaffolds (visual organizers, software tools, prompting questions and suggestions) are provided in your WebQuest?
Before Monday's class:
- You should have already found a partner for your WebQuest project.
- You'll want to identify your WebQuest topic. Use this websiteto help you in the selection process. It may be related to work you have already done in our class or work you are currently completing in other courses. It could even be something completely new in your content area. After you have some ideas together, review the WebQuest assignment so that you are clear on what is expected.
Spend the majority class time working on your WebQuest, making sure to check the project description and rubric to ensure you are including all required elements. Have at least 1/4 of your WebQuest completed by Wednesday's class.
Editing week--iMovie
This whole week is for editing your film. The editing studio is in 602. It has five editing machines in the room. Also you can choose to use the two editing suites in the RM 616, which is our classroom. We will first meet 616 and have you sign on the sign-in sheet then the groups with 4 or less members will go to 602 while groups with 5 persons stay in our classroom.
If you want to add sound track to your movie, the machines in 602 E have microphones but the machines in 616 don't, so if you are working with the machines in 616, you need to go to OIT to check out the microphones yourself.
You could still continue filming on Monday! But I strongly recommend you finish filming as soon as possible. Classes on Wednesday and Friday are required for editing. Next Monday, we will have a showcase. Your group needs to save your movie at the teacher station and present it to the class. Again, we will vote for a "Best Movie" group and each member in the winner group will get a price.
For editing, the only thing you need to use is the footage---the tape. And you could return your camara to OIT office when you start editing.
Important: If you don't have enough time for editing at class, you could reserve from OIT the room for the editing suites by yourself, so you can work outside class time. You will need your UGA ID to do this.
Class26-Digital story (iMovie)
* We had great games from the PowerPoint game project! I am really happy to see all of your games, which are full of creatvities, fun and imagination! Please send me the link of your PowerPoint game (you need upload your PowerPoint game file to that page) if you haven't done it. If you cannot upload your game, then please email to me. No late work would be accepted without a latepass!
* Remember to initial the sign-in sheet as you enter the room.
Please read the project requirement carefully before you start your project.
Now let's look at a few examples of digital stories to gets your brains churning about your own ideas.
For additional examples of digital stories look at the links below
University of Houston
The Center for Digital Storytelling
The use of video in education has been around for a long time, but it is just in recent years that it has become simple for classroom teachers and children to create and edit their own educational videos. The Apple Learning Interchange gives multiple examples of using educational video for teaching content standards. Here is a teacher's refleciton of using digital storytelling in the classroom. Here is another teacher's reflection and her tips for digital storytelling group works.
Today we will begin digital storytelling using iMovie. You'll want to review the project guidelines for this project -- but keep in mind that you need not capture more than 5-8 minutes of raw footage. This will be edited down to 2-3 minutes of video. We will use iMovie for editing.
You will be working in small groups to discuss the topic that you want to use and create an original story about it. Your topic should be educational but not necessarily related to your own subject area. It can be:
- An interview
- A discovery story
- A personal reflection
- An adventure story
- ......
As the storycenter told, "Storytelling is meant to be a collaborative art. It is much more realistic this way, and much more fun." So please work with your group members and get everybody involved.
Our class schedule for iMovie:
Monday, Oct. 22: Introduction to the iMovie--hopefully it will be at the Mac lab (room 233#, Aderhold). You will get the tapes on this day.
Wednesday, Oct. 24: Check out your video camera and take footage. We will not meet in class.
Fall break--Hooray!
Monday, Oct. 29; Wednesday, Oct. 31st; Friday, Nov. 2: video editing; 602 Aderhold (the five-member group will work on the suite in our classroom).
Monday, Nov. 5: Movie day (Due date); 616 Aderhold (the five-member group will work on the suite in our classroom)
Class 25: PowerPoint Game--Game Day!
Please come to the class a little bit earlier to have your game set up on the computer.
I have already reserved room 618#, which is next to our classroom, in case that the Macs in our classroom still cannot work. But I will check tomorrow morning and will let you know before the class.
For those of you who sent me email saying that you will bring your own laptop, you can still do that if you wish, but you can also use the classroom computers, because we now have two classrooms for today's showcase.
We have 19 persons in each class and the class lasts only 50 minutes. So you will first get into four groups and then each group will elect a "best group PowerPoint Game". This will take about 15 minutes. Then the four "Group Best PowerPoint Game maker" will show the whole class your game on the teacher station. You will need to first introduce yourself and the game's name. Then you need to introduce your subject area and the educational objectives of your game. In the following you can talk about your story or strategy, game direction, the strengthens and how you will use it in the class. Every presenter will have 7 minutes for the presentation. During their presentations, the rest of the class will need to judge the quality of their games according to the score chart that I will distribute in the class. After all the four presentations, you need to vote for the "Best Game Creator".
For Friday, we will start talk about the iMovie project.
Plus, please send me your PowerPoint game and the URL for your PowerPoint game reflection page before the class starts on Friday. Thanks!
Class 24: PowerPoint Game-- Optional day
On Wednesday, we will have the game showcase. You will need to set up your game on the computer. For those of you who have been working on the Macs, please bring your UGA ID and check out a laptop before the class so that we can set up your game on a "working" computer. If you decide to bring your own laptop, please email me in advance. I am sorry about those unworkable computers, but let us work together to make our Game Day joyful!
You will vote for a "Best-game" in the class. I will come out a score-chart later and put it online.
I am looking forward your games!
Class 23: PowerPoint Game-- Peer Review
- If you are not ready for peer review, then you will have 20 mins at the beginning of the class to continue working on it.
- Find a partner!
- If you and your partner are both ready, please come to get the review forms from me.
- The review forms include two parts. Form #1 asks you to give suggestions and feedback for improvement, and Form #2 asks you to give the grade to the game.
- You will use 15-20 mins to review the project and fill out the forms.
- When you complete the forms, please give both forms to your partner.
- Discussions with your partner are encouraged.
If your partner is not here, please use the electronic version of the forms and email it to him or her when you are done at class.
Please bring both forms back to me on next Monday. Thanks!
Notice: The only thing you need to do for now is to submit the electronic copy to my email Monday!
Class 21: PowerPoint Games-Bloom's Taxonomy
- Title slide
- Story slide
- Direction slide
- Game preparation slide (optional)
- Game piece slide (optional)
- Credits slide
- Educational objective slide
- Feedback slide for correct answer
- Feedback slide for wrong answer
- The headquarter slide
As you continue working on your PowerPoint games -- it is important to focus on the instructional value of your game -- and value is added through good questions. What makes a good question?
Bloom's Taxonomy is an easy way to learn more about various levels of questioning. Even young children can use Bloom's Taxonomy to improve their work.Here's a video of a class of children who use it to design literature units. Use the resources from the Website : Thinking about thinking to help your understand what makes a good question.
Bloom's Taxonomy PowerPoint Presentation
After the presentation, you are going to take your three questions "up a level" on Bloom's Taxonomy. Use these improved questions as a model for all 25 questions to be included in your game. Don't forget that you can checkout textbooks from the Curriculum Materials Center in room 207, Aderhold, for more ideas for questions (just make sure you're not plagiarizing!)
For Wednesday:
Continue working on your game in class. I will be in oral defense for the Comprehensive Exams to be qualified as a doctoral candidate. Ms. Gretchen Thomas will help with your projects in the class.
You have a handout on scanning in gameboards if you choose to draw yours by hand. As you work -- review student samples and the PowerPoint Games Project Rubric to ensure that you are meeting the expectations of the assignment.
For Friday:
Please have all the components of your PowerPoint game ready for peer review on that day. Your review will be counted for 0.5 point in your final grade.
Class 20: PowerPoint Game-- Action button
We started to create the basic slides on Wednesday. Today we will start working on action buttons.
Action buttons are easier than they seem. Being slow and methodical makes it easier to create action buttons that direct the user to the correct feedback.
Here are some links that will review what we learned in class today:
Creating question slides
Creating the headquarters to access your question slides
There are two parts of your game that ensure students will want to use it for learning: the story and the level of questions. You want to make sure that you have an engaging story - and you also want to make sure that your game is the right level of challenge. Factual level questions are too easy (and boring) regardless of the grade level you are targeting. We'll spend time in class on Friday working on your game design and learning how to write good questions.
Before Monday's class, you should have the following slides ready:
- Title slide
- Story slide
- Direction slide
- Game preparation slide (optional)
- Game piece slide (optional)
- Credits slide
- Educational objective slide
- Feedback slide for correct answer
- Feedback slide for wrong answer
- The headquarter slide
There are two ways to make the game board. One is to use your hand, the other is to use computer to draw a game board. If you choose to use your hand, you will need to scan your game board. The instruction will give it to you on Wednesday. If you want to draw the game board with computer, you can draw it in PowerPoint (one letter size) or your can draw it in Fireworks (as large as you want). This is your option to learn to use Firework to draw the board.
Next week's agenda:
- Monday (October 8th): Writing Good Questions
- Wednesday (October 10th): Independent Work Time
- Friday (October 12nd): Peer review of games
Agenda of the week after the next:
- Monday (October 15th): Optional Independent Work Time
- Wednesday (October 17th): Game Day
Class 19: PowerPoint Games-- Start your PowerPoint Game project
Today you will first present your review of the PowerPoint game from last class. Your group needs to first show the class the game that you reviewed, and then share your comments on the game. You need to talk about the following:
- What makes the game fun;
- The strengthes and weaknesses of the game;
- If the game content integrate well with the technology;
- The way to improve it and what makes a game fun.
Now we'll review the project assignment .
By now you should have a story idea. You should have selected the standards you'll be addressing with your game. Make sure that you are not creating a game that will review multiple standards. Your game should be designed to introduce content or to provide practice for student understanding. If your game is designed around basic factual recall -- think of another game!
Now we will begin working on the template. Most of the technical skill you need was acquired when we created seating charts during the Productivity Tools Assignment. Using the drawing tool bar in PowerPoint will allow you to customize your game template.
Step one: Create a introductory slide (game title and your name)
Step two: Create a slide for your storyline.
Step three: Create a game directions slide. (You should have your game board in mind when creating this). The directions should be written in the appropriate grade level. Make the game as EASY/SIMPLE as possible. You can always add more twists and turns later. Don't create more than three options or the writing the directions becomes more and more difficult. You can always add more challenge later, if you have time.
Step 4: Write a slide with game preparation directions:
Example: You will need a dice, cut out the images from the game pieces slide, etc.
Step 5: Create your game Pieces slide (Google images is a great resource and MS powerpoint has some great images too.)
Step 6: Create your credits slide.
Step 7: Create a slide with your Educational Objectives
Audience - grade level, and Georgia Performance standard (Georgia performance standards can be found at: http://www.georgiastandards.org/)
Action buttons are easier than they seem. Being slow and methodical makes it easier to create action buttons that direct the user to the correct feedback.
Here are some links that will review what we learned in class today:
Creating question slides
Creating the headquarters to access your question slides
There are two parts of your game that ensure students will want to use it for learning: the story and the level of questions. You want to make sure that you have an engaging story - and you also want to make sure that your game is the right level of challenge. Factual level questions are too easy (and boring) regardless of the grade level you are targeting. We'll spend time in class on Friday working on your game design and learning how to write good questions.
For Friday:
1. Turn in your Learning Puzzle chart for PowerPoint game;
2. Begin customizing the game template
3. Write your game directions
4. Finish the basic slides: objectives, game pieces, copyright notice, credits, etc.
5. Make action buttons.
Class 18: PowerPoint Games
Behaviorism, Constructionvism & Constructionism
We talked about learning theories of behaviorism and constructionvism in our learning puzzle class. Now we are going to talk constructionism and its use in the classroom. So, what is the difference among these theories? The term of "constructionism" was first developed by Papert in 1991. Based on Piaget's constructivism, he argued that kids learn things more by actually engaging the process of building the artifacts, which is, learning by doing. To know more about constructionism, see here and here.
PowerPoint Games
Today we'll talk about PowerPoint games: what they are and how they help students construct their own knowledge by building the artifacts while learning-- constructionism.
What were your favorite games? What characteristics made them your favorite? What experience do you have with instructional games? Are the characteristics of your favorite games found in most instructional games? How can PowerPoint be used to create an instructional game for your subject area?
It's important to know a little bit of background on the PowerPoint games project before we begin. Dr. Lloyd Rieber - a professor in my department - wrote a paper on this very topic. Many EDIT 2000 students have created their own games and more and more K-12 classrooms are using PowerPoint games as a way to address content standards through constructionism.
You'll want to view some sample games from the Homemade PowerPoint Games website and from student sample and student examples from last summer. After viewing several, you'll want to get started on your game. You'll need to look over the project assignment and use learning puzzle chart to organize the content that you are going to present with PowerPoint Game.
Class activity
Review a PowerPoint game by group:
Form your group by the subject area you choose:
Science, math, history, Kindergarten,art, English literature, etc. The group should include 2-5 people. If you subject area is special and you cannot find another group member, choose a group with a similiar area with yours. If your group size is over 5, devide it into two groups.
Choose a PowerPoint game from the previous students' websites or the Homemade PowerPoint Game site. Note: The subject area of the game should be similiar with your own subject area.
1.Did the technology get in the way or enhance the way the subject was being taught?
2. How would you change the questions in order to enhance the ppt game?
3. What do you think they did well and would incorportate into your powerpoint game?
4. How do you think you would use powerpoint games in your classroom?
5. Is the game fun? Why?
6. What makes a game fun?
Present your group reviews in the class.
This activity will be due by Wednesday so we can talk about our findings at our next class.
For Wednesday:
Come up a story for your game. On Wednesday and Friday' class, each one of you will have four minutes presentation on your story and the curriculum standards. You can create a short PowerPoint slide or use Microsoft Word to provide visual cues for your classmates.
Class 17: Review on Inspiration and Kidspiration
For those of you who used your late pass, the productivity tools is due today. Please turn in the printed artifacts, email me the link of your productivity page and your actual attendance sheet and grading sheet as excel spreadsheets.
Today your "All about me" class practice is due. Please turn in your diagram before the class starts. Again, go to the following places to get ideas for your own activities:
Previous students' works
Inspiration & Kidspiration website
When you finish your activities, you can choose to directly save them as Inspiration or Kidspiration file, which has the extension name of ".isf" or ".ksf", respectively. Or you can choose to convert them into word document.
To convert an Inspiration file into a word file, simple click on the "Transfer" button on the most right of the top menu. To convert a Kidspiration file into a word file, click Publish Options on the Teacher menu.
The Inspiration / Kidspiration projects are due on Monday, October 1st. You need to have one group/class activity and one individual activity. Both of them need to have the Teacher Information Sheet to describe them.
On Monday, you need give me:
- The printed diagram for both of your activities.
- Two Teacher Information sheets.
- You also need to email me the URL for your Inspiration/Kidspiration page.
Today you are going to continue working on your projects of Inspiration and Kidspiration.
Class 16: Kidspiration
Today we'll talk more about how to create an activity in Kidspiration and look at some additional examples of project ideas. More examples as following:
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Here are more ideas from the Inspiration website . You will have the reminder of class to work on your project.
By looking at these examples, I want you understand that the project requirement for Inspiration and Kidspiration is to use their unique functions to engage your future students in the activities. They cannot be just a static "diagram" or "worksheet". You should use at least two or more special functions only from them, such as links, hyperlinks, outlines, super group , and sound, and your students should actually "interact" with the diagram and get themselves engaged in the learning contents.
After talking about the Inspiration/Kidspiration project, please start to think about the activities that you will create for the project. They should be related to your own subject area and grade level. Write down your ideas on the index card and discuss it with your neighbors.
Your Inspiration/Kidspiration project is due Monday, October 1st at the beginning of class. You should bring a printed copy of each activity and each teacher information sheet.
For your Teacher Information Sheet, the Technology Integration Standard addressed is:
"Uses brainstorming/webbing software in planning, organizing, and prewriting. " This is from the Technology Integration Standards on the Georgia Learning Connections website. Your content standards should come from the Georgia Performance Standards.
To get more ideas of your subject area and grade level, you can go to the Curriculum Circulation Library on the 2nd floor to check out related textbooks for your references.
To work on your home computer, you need to go to the Inspiration website and download the free 30-day trial of Inspiratin or Kidspiration from here.
For Friday:
1. Turn in your "All about me" class assignments;
All about me in-class project should start with a general concept, 3 topics about you and 2 examples for each of the 3 topics. The concepts should be linked together, in various colors, and shapes and pictures are to be used.
2. Work on your Inspiration/Kidspiration project. You should have already downloaded the trial version of Inspiration or Kidspiration on your home computer.
Class 15: Visual Learning and Inspiration
But those who submit your works before the class starts on Monday will get extra 0.8 point for the early submission. (The total points for the productivity tool project is 10 point.)
Your understanding of learning theory and technology integration is really starting to come together. You are learning that technology is not used in K-12 classrooms just to make learning more fun. Technology tools can be used in conjunction with good teaching strategies to address various learning styles and student needs.

Where does visual learning fit with the curriculum standards you looked at before today's class? Are there specific standards that require visual learning activities? What key words in the standards indicate this?
One of the resources students and teachers can use to assist in visual learning is Inspiration, or the preK-5 version called Kidspiration. Both tools allow students to see a concept and its connecting themes and ideas. During today's class, you'll become more familiar with the program and look at examples of how this tool can be used to develop learning activities.
During today's class you'll learn more about designing learning activities and the specifics of your visual learning project. We will create an "All About Me" concept map. These will be turned in at the beginning of class on Wednesday.
For the class project, you'll create two activities for your subject area/grade level -- one for a whole group lesson and one for a small group or individual lesson.
Sample student work
You'll need to find out more information about visual learning by reading the article distributed during class and read more about the Inspiration/Kidspiration project before getting started. The Inspiration/Kidspiration assignment will be due Monday, October 1st at the beginning of the class.
FOR Wednesday:
Download the trial version of Inspiration and/or Kidspiration.
Class 14: Independent Working Day on Productivity Tools
For Monday, I have changed my mind: we will talk about visual learners and the Inspiration & Kidspiration instead of the PowerPoint Game. We will start the PowerPoint game before or after the iMovie project.
You all have a nice weekend!
Class 13: Productivity Tools-- Working sheet and reflection page
Your remaining tasks for the Productivity Tools Project are to create a worksheet and write a reflection on using productivity tools in teaching and learning.
To find a worksheet to customize, there are two useful websites: Discovery School Teaching Tools and Education World. Another useful place to find worksheet templates is Online Worksheet Generator. Just make sure that you select a worksheet that can be used for your subject area/grade level. Don't just print out a worksheet that you find - make sure to customize it.
The final portion of your assignment (worth 30% of your grade) is the reflection. Here's an example of what your reflection/webpage should look like.
Here's how you go about doing it:
Go to your portfolio: http://pages.google.com and login. Open the page you created for productivity tools. On this page, include links to each of your productivity tools objects (saved as pdf files - I'll show you how to do this in class today). Give an explanation for each of your artifacts, what you learned in the development of the artifact, and how it could be used in a classroom. You'll also want to include a few screen shots of your different objects (I'll show you how to do this in class on Thursday).
Then, on the same webpage, explain in detail the types of activities students can do using productivity tools. Your discussion and specific descriptions should focus on activities at a LoTi level of 2 or greater. Make sure to publish the page when you are finished.
The easiest way to go about completing this portion of the assignment is to first talk in general about the products you created - what you learned while creating them and how they could be used by a teacher in your subject area. Then, locate 3 or 4 lesson plans that use the productivity tools and discuss them in detail. The focus of this portion of the reflection is on the ways students can use the tools at a LoTi level of 2 or higher.
There are two good places to go to find sample lessons that use productivity tools:
1. Georgia Learning Connections (select your grade level, select "technology integration" for the subject. Select "Lesson Plans" for the resources. Click the "Search QCC" button. Then click the "Productivity" link)
2.Microsoft Lesson Plans
Remember that lower grade levels may use tools like Graph Club (for spreadsheets/graphing) and KidPix (for multimedia presentations) instead of Excel and PowerPoint - but you can use these as examples for your reflection.
Don't forget that all of this goes onto your productivity tools webpage with links to the objects you created.
Your final submission includes:
1. Prints of all your nine projects (They are not required to be in colors);
2. Email me the link of your reflection page for the Productivity Tools project;
3. Email me your actual excel spread sheet of the Grade sheet and attendance sheet.
Again, this project is due on September 24th, before the class starts. You need to turn in all the required elements by that time. Otherwise, you need to tell me that you are going to use your late pass to get an extra 48 hours to work on it.
Class 12: Productivity Tools (4)-Seating Charts and Screenshots
Part I: Creating Seating Charts
MS PowerPoint is a dynamic software tool that allows you to create presentations. PowerPoint provides you with the opportunity to list information, display graphics (including animations), concept maps, and tables. Short movies, hyperlinks, and music may also be embedded in PowerPoint presentations.
We will spend more class time on learning about PowerPoint later in the semester. For this part of the Productivity Tools project you will learn to use the drawing tools in PowerPoint to create a seating chart. Don't forget that these same drawing tools can be used in all Office applications (Word, Excel, etc.) Here are some sites which provide more information about PowerPoint:
Using PowerPoint in the ClassroomPart II: Making Screenshots (Thanks for Anita created this direction.)
If you have Mac OSX, it's easy to use the built-in key commands for grabbing a screen.
1. Open the file you want to use in a screenshot.
2. On your keyboard, press Command (Apple) and Shift and 4 at the SAME time.
3. The pointer turns into a bull's eye (small cross hairs).
4. Drag a box around the part of the image you want to use by clicking on the right mouse button.
5. When you release the right button, the screen is captured and saved on your desktop. Most likely the image will be called "picture 1"
7. Insert the picture using the same steps as you have used to insert other images on Google pages. (Remember the image is on your desktop.)
This information was gathered from: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=Mac/10.4/en/cdb_winkeys.html and http://eduscapes.com/tap/topic7.htm
Print Screen on Windows PC
1. Open the file or webpage you want to use in a screenshot.
2. On your keyboard, press the "Alt" key and "Print Screen" at the same time. This will copy the image to the clipboard.
3. Open PowerPoint.
4. Create a new show with a blank slide.
5. Right-click on the blank slide choose paste.
6. Click once on the image that is pasted on the slide so that you can access the picture formatting toolbar.
7. Use the crop tool (the 2 intertwined L's) to get rid of any unnecessary parts of your image.
8. Right-click on the image and choose "save as picture". Then save the picture to your key drive or the desktop of your computer.
9. Insert the image using the same steps you have used to insert other images on Google Pages.
Class 11: Productivity Tools (3)-Grade sheet, Attendance sheet and Pictograph

Today we will continute work on Grade sheet, Attendance sheet and Pictograph.
For those of you who have already known how to create grade sheet and attendance sheet, you can work on your own projects.
A pictograph is a graphical representation that shows numerical information by using picture symbols. A form of bar graph with the bars replaced by rows or columns of symbols.
For Monday:
1. You should have already finished your products of :
Brochure/Newsletter, Certificate, Grade sheet, Attendance sheet, Pictograph;
2. You need to have at least one of the products you have created on saved onto your key drive. We will work on how to create screen shots for your webpages. If you want to get started here is a handout that we will be using.
You all have a nice weekend!
Class 10: Productivity Tools (2)
How do you create a professional classroom? How do you promote efficiency? What materials do you need to create before the school year begins? Do you have to create everything from scratch?
This project will help you to think about and address some of these issues. You will work individually on this project, and it will be due on Monday, September 24th at the beginning of class.
Working at a LoTi level of 1 and/or 2, you will complete the various pieces of the productivity tools project. At the end of the project - you will research examples of productivity tool use by students - in the hopes of finding examples of LoTi levels 2 and 3.
There are many objects to complete and details to remember. I will help you step by step. Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions regarding the project. Today we will be mainly working on two programs: Microsoft Word and Excel. I will give you a mini-lesson on that. For those of you who have good computer skills for this project, you can go ahead and work on your project. One thing I would like to bring your attention is the nine objects should address your chosen grade level and subject area.
Some samples:
Hall Pass
Please remember to save and backup your works as frequently as you can!
Class 9: LoTi & Productivity Tool
Your grade report of Autobiography page and resume will be added soon.
Part I: Level of Technology Implementation (LoTI level)
LoTi is used to evaluate how much technology is integrated into teaching. However, LoTi level is NOT an instrument to assess the technology competency of a teacher, but an instrument to guide the teacher's technology implementation in the classroom. Nonetheless, it is necessary for teachers to be aware of their technology implementation levels and potential improvements when they are using technology in teaching. Therefore, LoTi level has been used as an evaluative guide for Georgia Department of Education Educational Technology. You'll be referring to these levels, along with standards, in all facets of your project work.
- LoTI website
- LoTI Lounge
- LoTi Chart
- Next Steps: Using LoTi as a Research Tool (Moersch, 2001)
- Samples of students' reflection referring LoTI
Before you begin working on your materials, you'll sit in a short lesson on using templates to streamline your work. This will help you to create your newsletter, calendar, business cards, and certificates. Make sure to save a copy of each completed artifact to your assignments folder on your key drive. It will be easier for you if you name your files as what they are (i.e. the calendar could be called "calendar.doc")