
Class 19: PowerPoint Games-- Start your PowerPoint Game project

Your Inspiration & Kidspiration project is due today. Please turn in the printed diagrams for your two activities and your Teacher Information Sheet. You also need to email me the link of your Inspiration/Kidspiration page on your Google pages.

Today you will first present your review of the PowerPoint game from last class. Your group needs to first show the class the game that you reviewed, and then share your comments on the game. You need to talk about the following:
  • What makes the game fun;
  • The strengthes and weaknesses of the game;
  • If the game content integrate well with the technology;
  • The way to improve it and what makes a game fun.
Each group will have no more than 5 minutes to present your findings.

Now we'll review the project assignment .

By now you should have a story idea.
You should have selected the standards you'll be addressing with your game. Make sure that you are not creating a game that will review multiple standards. Your game should be designed to introduce content or to provide practice for student understanding. If your game is designed around basic factual recall -- think of another game!

Now we will begin working on the template. Most of the technical skill you need was acquired when we created seating charts during the Productivity Tools Assignment. Using the drawing tool bar in PowerPoint will allow you to customize your game template.

Step one: Create a introductory slide (game title and your name)

Step two: Create a slide for your storyline.

Step three: Create a game directions slide. (You should have your game board in mind when creating this). The directions should be written in the appropriate grade level. Make the game as EASY/SIMPLE as possible. You can always add more twists and turns later. Don't create more than three options or the writing the directions becomes more and more difficult. You can always add more challenge later, if you have time.

Step 4: Write a slide with game preparation directions:

Example: You will need a dice, cut out the images from the game pieces slide, etc.

Step 5: Create your game Pieces slide (Google images is a great resource and MS powerpoint has some great images too.)

Step 6: Create your credits slide.

Step 7: Create a slide with your Educational Objectives

Audience - grade level, and Georgia Performance standard (Georgia performance standards can be found at: http://www.georgiastandards.org/)

Action buttons are easier than they seem. Being slow and methodical makes it easier to create action buttons that direct the user to the correct feedback.

Here are some links that will review what we learned in class today:

Creating question slides
Creating the headquarters to access your question slides

There are two parts of your game that ensure students will want to use it for learning: the story and the level of questions. You want to make sure that you have an engaging story - and you also want to make sure that your game is the right level of challenge. Factual level questions are too easy (and boring) regardless of the grade level you are targeting. We'll spend time in class on Friday working on your game design and learning how to write good questions.

For Friday:

1. Turn in your Learning Puzzle chart for PowerPoint game;
2. Begin customizing the game template

3. Write your game directions
4. Finish the basic slides: objectives, game pieces, copyright notice, credits, etc.
5. Make action buttons.

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