
Class 11: Productivity Tools (3)-Grade sheet, Attendance sheet and Pictograph

Today we will continute work on Grade sheet, Attendance sheet and Pictograph.

For those of you who have already known how to create grade sheet and attendance sheet, you can work on your own projects.

A pictograph is a graphical representation that shows numerical information by using picture symbols. A form of bar graph with the bars replaced by rows or columns of symbols.
Note: There is a link of an example of a pictograph on our Productivity Tools Description.

In order to orient ourselves, I have provided a link to a video regarding how to create a pictograph. It is called "Making a Pictograph in Excel." The tutorial we will be using to create our pictograph is called "An "excel"lent way to create pictographs for younger students."
Make sure you are using the rubric as a guide to make sure that you are meeting the requirements for Productivity Tools Assignment.

For Monday:
1. You should have already finished your products of :
Brochure/Newsletter, Certificate, Grade sheet, Attendance sheet, Pictograph;
2. You need to have at least one of the products you have created on saved onto your key drive. We will work on how to create screen shots for your webpages. If you want to get started here is a handout that we will be using.

You all have a nice weekend!

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