
Class 34: Working on WebQuest--Introduction, Task and Process

Last week we looked at the major components of the WebQuest.

Today you'll be given most of class time working in pairs on your WebQuest -- by Friday's class it is expected that you will be at least halfway finished with your entire WebQuest ( Introduction, Task, Process and Evaluation on the student's version). We will be working in groups on Friday to conduct peer reviews of your WebQuests and the rest of time will be given working on the project. Friday will be the last day for you to work on WebQuest project.

Please refer to the assignement description while working on it.

Two gateway websites National Digital Science Library
and WebQuest Taxonomy of Tasks - what types of tasks can you assign to students?
The Building Blocks of a WebQuest - what are the specific parts of a WebQuest?
The WebQuest Design Process - what is a good way to put together a WebQuest?
Sample WebQuests

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